Shonaquip Social Enterprise is excited to be CHAI’s (Clinton Health Access Initiative) technical implementation partner in a 3 year #BuildAWorldOfPlay challenge funded by the LEGO Foundation.

This project will work towards strengthening government policy for early identification, screening for disability and provision of assistive technology to children.

We will be incorporating the SSE model of addressing barriers to inclusion from an ecosystem perspective where we believe that true inclusion for children living with disabilities is only possible with such policy change, access to the necessary assistive technology, opportunities to learn through inclusive play and parent support.

We can’t wait to see what the future holds!

#MakeADifference #DisabilityInclusion #RemovingBarriers #MadeInAfrica #SocialSupport #EducationForAll #DisabilityAwareness #DisabilityRights #Education #Development #SocioEconomicDevelopment #Shonaquip #ShonaquipSocialEnterprise #SDG #MakeADifference #DoGood #DisabillityRights #Inclusion #DoingGoodFeelsGood #HumanRights #Disability #ForEveryChild #Rehab #HealthForAll #Accessibility #Wheelchair #DisabilitySupport #LEGOFoundation

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