Watch this video featuring a handful of happy clients from 2022!
We’re looking forward to making a difference in more kid’s lives in 2023 💙
Would you like to make a significant difference too?
An estimated 600 000 children with disabilities are not being included into everyday life or even attending school due to mobility restrictions.
We are currently building a $340K (ZAR5 million) Wheelchair Fund to assist hundreds of children who have been left without the devices they need to stay healthy, function well, and be included. We invite you to donate smaller amounts monthly, a once-off amount, or sign up as a fundraiser to help our team reach the target!
Donate here –
#SocialSupport #EducationForAll #DisabilityAwareness #DisabilityRights #Education #Development #SocioEconomicDevelopment #Shonaquip #ShonaquipSocialEnterprise #SDG #MakeADifference #DoGood #DisabillityRights #Inclusion #DoingGoodFeelsGood #HumanRights #Disability #ForEveryChild #CP #Rehab #HealthForAll #Health #Wellness #Accessibility #Wheelchair #DisabilitySupport